Monday, September 08, 2008

Zoey-Newsletter Month 114

Well, I feel a little guilty as I have yet to do a "newsletter" for your sister. But as I did not start yours until you were already almost 9 1/2, and she is not even 6 years old...I'll get over it. I've had a few other things to write about this month (unfortunately) and will hopefully start hers in 10 days from now. Believe me, I have plenty to say about your sister.

But as for you...this is what is going on this month. You began 4th grade, and have a new teacher, and when I say new I mean she is 22 years old and this is her very first year of teaching. Her name is Mrs. Klitzing, and she is not only a new teacher, but is also a newlywed. She is very pretty, and seems full of new ideas. You seem to really like her, and I feel the same. I like the fact that she does not "grade" religion, and I agree with her completely, how do you "grade" somebody's view and instinct about their religious beliefs? Educate, but do not stifle. I like it. Reminds me of Mom.


I can't believe that my first born is now a 4th grader, and I could not be more proud. Today your first week's homework and tests came home and your lowest grade on anything was 95%. Your spelling test was 100% + 1 (extra credit) as well as your memory test (100% +1). You are working so hard, and it shows. And it's not easy. You go from 8AM to 4:30ishPM every day at school, then straight to soccer practice which lasts until 6:30. Then there is homework to be done, and dinner, bath, and by the time you are finished with the "mandatory" stuff you maybe have 1/2 hour to yourself, which you choose to spend reading. And lately your "1/2 hour" is spent driving to the hospital to see Grandpa Stan. You NEVER complain. You give Mommy extra hugs and tell me how much you love me...or give me reminders that God has Grandpa in his hands. And more often than not, that simple reminder is enough to smack me out of my reverie, and make me focus on NOW...and the fact that my Dad is in God's hands, and that what is happening to him is part of God's plan.
Thank you, baby. You are wise beyond your years.


So this Saturday was your first soccer game, and while it was "pre-season" it was just as real to you as to your opponents. And the "Maniacs" kicked butt...winning 7-0!!!" I am so proud of you, and while I was not able to be there this week, I was monitering the game via text message with Daddy, who was updating me with every score. Word is that your coach had to tell the team to "take it easy" on the other team half way through the not make the other team too discouraged! Daddy says you missed a goal by just a few inches, and I just can't wait so see you score one, I know it won't be long!


This week you also started your first week of "Junior Girl Scouts"...the ones with the green uniforms. You are excited about the upcoming events, and Mommy is excited about the fact you can participate in Girl Scouts without me being a leader! But if the truth be known...I honestly miss it more than just a little, and miss my girls and my troop. If I didn't have to work a full time job, I would love to have continued on with our troop, and move forward with you. I know you will have a great year, though, and I will be there to help you any way I can.


So this is your life right now. School, homework, soccer, Girl Scouts, and dealing with a Grandpa and Grandma that are so very ill. You handle it all with grace and empathy, and I could not possibly be more proud of you. I am, indeed, the luckiest Mommy on the planet.

I love you baby!
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