Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Dad from David-Sept 17th

This was an update in an email in response to Dad's brother (Uncle Lefty) written by David.
Just thought it was a good summary of what is going on right now.

In general, we have been pretty discouraged by the “holding pattern” of the last week. Throughout the week Dad’s vital stats have remained quite stable but much of the time he just seems very frail and tired. Despite the stability, it feels as though he can’t quite get “over the hump” in regards to the pneumonia. He remains on antibiotics and it just doesn’t seem like his immune system is capable of adding much to the fight.

Right now, I just don’t know what to expect when I go to see him. On Friday and Saturday, he was barely lucid and couldn’t stay awake long enough to even try to have a conversation. I left the hospital on Sat. night convinced that we had moved to a slow, inevitable wait for his passing.

On Sunday afternoon, he was awake, sitting up and willing to watch some football with me. He wanted to know the result of the Angel game and had a better sense of their upcoming schedule than I did…..go figure???? And yet, he was very much as Stef described – 50% on point and 50% in his own absurd unreality.

Last night he was a little more lucid but seemed tired again.

In all cases, he does not seem to be in any condition to be going anywhere very soon and I am feeling more and more like we may continue to be at this stage for awhile.

Welllllll…….I don’t want to go overboard with upbeat and cheery so I’ll stop for now and put myself back to work!

Sorry the message is something of a downer but, quicksand is kind of our reality of the moment.

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