Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Update on Dad-August 27 1:00PM

Dad is continuing to improve, slightly. He is still on the respirator, but they are using it really only to suction his lungs, he is breathing on his own. They will take another x-ray today and see how he is progressing and when they might be able to remove it.

The cause of his intestinal bleeding has been discovered, and it is a herniated diverticulum (I'm sure I misspelled that one :-)). The bleeding is diminishing slightly, and we are hoping it will stop on it's own, because if it doesn't the method of repair is surgery, and Dad is a very poor surgical candidate. So we are hoping and praying that it will seal itself up, and heal, so no surgery would be required.

David said Dad was still confused about Mom not being around, and he did explain again to Dad last night that we had lost her months ago. He didn't want Dad to worry about why she was not coming for a visit, and could tell from Dad's sad reaction that it seemed to have registered. I'm sure it's something he would rather not remember...and with his physical state it is easy for him to be confused.

That is really the only update so far today. I'll add more as I know it. I'll be going to see Dad tonight after work, so I'll update again this evening.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and love! I know Dad feels it.

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