Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Cheri!

Today is my big sister's birthday. She is, as my Mother-in-law would have said, "39 and holding". Right? Right now she is somewhere on the East Coast spending time with Richard's family, and hopefully relaxing and having fun. As this is the first vacation they have had in 3 years, I hope they are having a wonderful time.


In the picture above, you can clearly see that my sister is the only normal looking one in our family. My brother, who went on to a successful career as a used car salesman, myself...looking a little too much like the Pillsbury Dough Baby with the Princess Leia hat, and my Mom, apparantly fresh out of the Navy and hiding one of those used cars in her hair. Thank heavens she did not inherit "the family photo gene" that the rest of us seem cursed with.


Wait a minute...what's going on with my brother's pants??? Did someone say "used car salesman??" Okay, okay...I know it wasn't his fault...


Here Cheri is with my Mom at our parent's 50th wedding anniversary...about 2 years ago. I love this picture, because two of my favorite people on the planet look so happy. It was a good day.

So...a few fun facts about my sister?

She has a few hundred (only she knows the actual number--I think it's highly classified) cookbooks and her cooking totally rocks my world, along with the world of anyone lucky enough to sample it. I call her when I need to know how to boil water...and she never laughs at my total cooking ignorance.

She loves art. Not only did she study it in college, she also has an impressive collection of art books. But the real fun fact??? She's got the skillz...and when the mood strikes her she can create art. Something I respect. I hope for a piece for my wall someday.

She's a butt-kicking bike rider, and loves to go for long rides with her husband. I love getting the pics they sometimes snap on the way.

She is one of the most loving, kindest, most empathetic people I know. She is my shoulder to cry on, and one of my biggest cheerleaders. I love her completely, and I wish we lived closer. I miss her every day, and I wish my girls got a chance to see more of their Aunt Cheri. (Okay, okay...not a "fun fact"...)


Last "fun fact"...I'm quite sure she's up to no good in this picture...

I love you, my big sister! I hope you had a wonderful birthay today and it was everything you wished for. Mmmmwwwaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!

Your little sistah...
Monkey Boo

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