Sunday, February 24, 2008

What are they probing...anyway???

Well, as you have probably realized by now, my blog is not a "save the planet" type blog...or "what I've done to enrich my children's live's" type blog.

No...far from it.

Since I'm quite certain that I'm the only one "enjoying" this blog, I'll write exactly what I damn please...thank you very much.

And that leads us to this.

Well, the death of my Mother made me thing about a lot of things. Not the least was the state of my own health and the realization that what I do to take care of myself could save me, in the end...or at least buy me a few more years. Of down here on earth time.

That's what I'm looking for. I guess. I decided it was time to take care of business, and have all of those medical and dental and mental tests you possibly can, and should, every year.

So this last Wednesday I visited the as I like to call her the "hoo-ha" Dr. Well, actually she wasn't a Dr. exactly, but a "Certified Nurse Midwife". But the "hoo-ha Certified Nurse Practitioner" doesn't have the same ring, now does it.

As I'm sitting in the room in my lovely gown...taking in the surroundings, I notice this...the above picture. First I think it's a jar of condoms, ready to hand out to those girls uncertain of the birth control meathod they might prefer. But then, as I look closer at the lable I realize they are "probe covers". Hmmm...and I wonder.

What type of "probe" are they covering? Are they going to use that "probe" on me? Sheeshhhhh...

SEE...that's why I waited 5 years to have my next "exam".

You never know what they have up their sleeves next.

Damn Medical Profession (sorry Greg...)
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