Sunday, February 10, 2008

Trying to get back to normal

Well, it's been almost 3 weeks since Mom passed away, and while my "down-in-the-dumps" feeling seems to stick with me most of the day, the demands of day to day life have kept me busy enough that I don't have too much time to sit and dwell. Several times a day something will make me think of her, and I get teary. I guess it's all part of the normal process. I don't miss her any less, however. The more time goes by, the more I miss her. Ugh.

We've had a busy week, with Monday Brownies, Wed. night at the gym, Thursday night driving to Corona to have dinner with the Warren's, Saturday lunch and movies with the Conley's, driving to go see Dad, then to Lazy Dog for dinner with the Quast's, Atkinson's, Phil and Hoover. It was the first time I had seen Ross since he has been out of the hospital, and it was SO good to see him. Today just not feeling well, upset tummy and headache, so we are taking it easy and getting some much needed rest. Gearing up for a long week next week, with Avery being "SuperStar" in her class, and Valentine's Day, actually the next few weeks will be busy, with lots of upcoming dr. appts, birthdays, Brownie events, and just the general crazy life we lead.

Things I would like to do this week:
1. Work out at least 3 times
2. Get a chance to play with my camera
3. Get my new sewing machine that has been in the back of my car for over a month out and play...get started on some of those projects I have been wanting to do
4. Make some Valentine stuff
5. Read

We'll see how many of those things actually happen ;-)

Here's to things looking up this year...I hope...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.