Monday, February 18, 2008

The Dude

Here is our crazy dude. He loves to sleep UNDER THE BED on Rob's side of the bed. Now, if you have seen our dog Cisco, you can easily recognize this is no small feat. He is about 95 pounds, and has to drop down on his belly and "army dog" under the bed. Usually he goes all of the way under, and all you can see is a little toe or the tip of his tail sticking out. But when he gets hot, or is just too lazy to go all of the way under you will sometimes see this. The girls call this the "stingray" because you can see the backend and the tail sticking out.

Cisco is defintely not a morning "person". If you try to get him up in the morning to go out, he will scoot further and further under the bed to the point you cannot reach him.'re a knucklehead!
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