Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Update on Dad-October 22, 2008

As I looked at my sidebar today I realized I have not updated on Dad in a while, mainly because there is little new to say. He has definitely gotten back into his routine at Victoria, and seems much more comfortable there. To me, his breathing seems much better, and his color and general appearance looks much better.

While his physical body seems to be improving slightly, his mental condition is of concern to David and myself. Dad continues to be very "fixated" on certain ideas, most of which seem to be things that happened to him 15-20 years ago, mixed with present day plus a little bit of ????? we have NO IDEA. His main concerns right now revolve around getting the keys back to his "brown station wagon in the parking lot" (Dad has not driven or owned a car in several years...had the station wagon over 20 years ago), and "buying the preschool down the street" (again we think this is something he is thinking about from when they DID buy/own the preschool...well over 20 years ago.) These things are as real and current to Dad as if they are part of his life right now, and he is very frustrated with us when we try to explain it is not reality...not something happening right now. I feel so bad for Dad in his frustration, as he believes so furvently that these things are real. We are thinking this is part of the Parkinson's Dementia that many patients develop 10-15 years into the disease, but have not gotten that specific diagnosis from his Dr.

So, we are kind of back to where we were a few months ago, before the hospital visit, except it seems his mental condition has changed. We don't know if this is a temporary thing, or a condition that will just "be this way" from now on. It is very discouraging.

Once again, Dad loves to recieve mail, and can get his mail at:

Stanley Monson
c/o Victoria Health Care
340 Victoria Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

You can also email Dad (it will be printed and brought to his room) at:

Click on the "Contact Us" section and then towards the bottom click on the "Email a Resident" button.

So this is the update for now. I will try an keep the updates more consistant :-)

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