Wednesday, May 07, 2008



After Mom died, we spent a lot of time looking through boxes of old photos looking for nice ones of her for the funeral. This was probably my favorite, and Cheri told me this pic had been taken for a newspaper article. The actual photograph is quite damaged, and my scanner was not working, etc, so we did not get this picture out for the funeral.

I have since gotten a new scanner, but as you can see all of the damage on the photo scanned right in with the picture.

Anyone have any ideas about repairs for this type of pic?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Stef,
I know you want to repair the photograph, but there is something so real and raw about the photo in its "worn" state. I loved this photo too, and on your site it looks really good. I think a good camera shop could possibly help you, but again, I love the photo "as is."
