Monday, August 20, 2007

Evening at Corona Kings...August 15, 2007

We used Bea's visit as a good excuse to go to the Corona Kings for dinner Wednesday night. Ross and Lo were kind enough to join us, and we drove out together in Rob's car, the girls squished in the back.

We had a really nice time, and everyone had a good dinner. The girls had new outfits, and looked so grown up to me for some reason. I still can't believe that my baby is almost 5 years old.


Auntie Lo had some powder makeup that the girls were having a blast with, and Aunt Bea pulled out her lipstick and they went to town. I have awfully girly girls!


Rob had his new glasses on, and immediately Bea said he looked like Clark Kent. I had never really thought about that before, but once she mentioned it I knew she was right! He does look like Clark Kent.

You'll always be my Superman, Honey!
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