Sunday, January 03, 2010

Did we have fun? Well...

We've talked a lot about our trip, and what was our "favorite" thing...the highlight, the thing we liked the best. The one answer that always seems to come up is "EVERYTHING"! We have had the most fantastic trip, it is almost beyond description. I am sitting in Clive and Johanna's living room right now, by myself, just thinking about it all. It is shortly after midnight here (early Monday morning) and we will be leaving for a few hours to the airport. The house is dark and quiet, everyone is asleep. I am listening the the cozy sound of rain outside and just taking a minute to reflect. I guess I'm already a little down-in-the-dumps...not wanting to go to bed and wake up to our last few hours here.

We have had a trip where there have been no major mishaps. We have joked that the travel Gods have been smiling on us, as we have had one amazing experience after the next. Even a simple trip to the movies was a mindblower! And some of the most amazing things have been when we have just been having a lazy day at the house, watching the kids swim and play together, and just genuinely enjoy being together. Wonderful meals, both in and out of the house, wonderful conversations, and just generally awesome family time.

On top of all of that is the fact that we have seen and done some of the most amazing things. The Great Barrier Reef, the Rainforest, the kids being able to hold koalas and snakes and and feed kangaroos, visit glowworm name just a few! I was so determined to keep up with blogging, but a few Internet glitches and just having too much fun "living" the trip have made my postings few and far between. I guess that's a good thing, after all...what is more boring than someone else's vacation pictures anyway? I hope I can document more of it though...really for myself and my little family, to help us remember as time fades the memories.

I know my children will remember this wonderful trip their whole lives. What incredible experiences they have had, we have all had. We owe it all to Clive and Johanna, who made every aspect of this trip possible for us, and went so far above and beyond to open their beautiful home and their beautiful hearts to us, with generosity and spirit beyond compare. We love you guys so much and our hearts will be breaking as our little family gets back to our day to day life. We look forward to the next time we are all together, and know we will just have a blast! Until then, I will just keep in mind what seems to be the most common, and most wonderful mantra around here, "No Worries Mate!" Until next time...
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