Sunday, October 11, 2009

She's Bold

This picture was taken on the first day of first grade, about a month ago. Avery's hair had gotten so long, and most days we ended up putting it in a ponytail at her request as she didn't like it getting in her face while she was playing, or at soccer. A few weeks ago she decided she wanted to get it cut...and not just a trim. She wanted a bob. I kept thinking she would change her mind, so I didn't rush to make an appointment. But she asked me about it almost daily, so finally since I had an appointment myself this Saturday I decided to just take her with me and have Sebastian cut it while my color was processing. While we were waiting I had her look at some magazines and point to how she wanted it.

This is what she chose. She saw a magazine with a picture of Katie Holmes on the cover with a chin length bob, and immediately pointed at her and said that was what she wanted. She was SO EXCITED sitting next to me waiting for it to be her turn. Sebastian took a few big snips of hair off to start, just to remove the length. I picked up a huge clump of hair that he cut that was over 10 inches long and showed it to her, and she just smiled.

I sat watching him trim and shape her hair I had such an emotional response. I thought about how much this new cut suited her petite features, and for some reason I just kept thinking that Mom would have loved to see her with this haircut...and I was so wishing she could. By the time he finished she was so proud, and smiling from ear to ear. She kept asking me what I thought Daddy would think of the cut, or Mrs. Peyton, or her friends/Aunties/Uncles/teammates. I kept telling her they would love it.

A young girl with waist length hair, probably about in her 20's sat waiting for Sebastian to finish working on us as she had the next appointment. She overheard what we were talking about, and saw the long pieces of hair on the floor under Avery's chair. She asked her about her haircut, and when Avery told her what she had done she sat with her mouth hanging open and told Avery, "You're REALLY BRAVE to cut your hair like that, I wouldn't be that brave! You're BOLD!" That struck me as just the perfect description of Avery...Bold. I love you my bold baby!
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