Thursday, July 24, 2008

Graduation--Preschool style

Well, the day did come that it was time for Avery to graduate...from preschool. The school had a wonderful ceremony, and each child received their very own Bible.

My child was very excited about that!

But while I thought we were still at the ECDC for a few more months...hey, Kindergarten is still months away...I got a shock on this day as we found out that summer "Kinder Camp" was being held down at the "big school" and this was indeed our last day at the preschool. Forever. Wow. It hit hard, especially as this has been such a big part of our lives for so long...for years...ever since Zoey was 20 months old and just a little pipsqueek in the "Bungalow".

Avery definitely loved her teachers this year. Miss Bon, who has beautiful long hair and knows how to hula dance.

And Mrs. Burnett...someone I respect completely. We actually have a lot in common, she has a parent with Parkinson's and deals with that on a daily basis (as difficult as that may be). She also has been a cook at the Girl Scout Camp "Camp Sherman" for many many years, and is a leader of a Brownie troop as well. It seems the ones with the least amount of time seem to make time to much I respect that!

Thank you Mrs. Burnett and Miss Bon for making Avery's last year in preschool such a wonderful one. We will never forget you!
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