Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back in the Day

So now, a little walk down Memory Lane.

When I was a young girl and lived with my parents in Saudi Arabia, my Father had this "annoying" habit of bringing his suitcase-like camera case with him everywhere and shooting hundreds of photographs wherever we went.


At the time, I was too young to realize what an amazing adventure we were having, traveling the world, going to places other people only dream about. By the time I was 12, I had been to the pyramids in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower, the Sistine Chapel, London Bridge, the Colliseum (sp?) in Rome, etc etc etc.


This whole time my poor Dad endured the rolled eyes, the groans, and the complaining as he snapped away. He took hundreds of pics, and during that time he was shooting almost exclusively slides. These slides are now in MANY boxes in the closet of my parents home, and in an effort to help my brother get the house cleared out I took home several of these boxes. I purchased a new "photo" scanner and started digitizing some of these images. In just the few trays I looked at I found so many incredible images. What a treasure! I can't wait to see what I will find as I go through the whole bunch!


Of course now I am the one that is carrying the huge camera bag, and insisting that my family and friends stop, wait, and smile for me as we go through our day to day. Okay, I know we are not usually in front of "World Wonders" but when people look at the pictures later on they are always happy that I took the time to take them.

Thank you Dad for teaching me the value of photo-documenting my life and the lives of people I care about!


Ugh, and one last thing I noticed about any of these old pictures with me in them...I need to smile more...geez...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a treat to see these pictures! It doesn't surprise me a bit that your dad took so many...even I remember Uncle Stan's ever-present camera. And aren't we lucky now that it WAS always present. I hope you'll continue to post pictures as you get them scanned in.
Thanks for sharing, Stef!