Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things that SUCK

1. Having advanced Parkinson's Disease
2. Not being able to eat or drink--ever
3. Not being able to walk
4. Losing your beloved spouse of almost 52 years very suddenly a few months ago
5. Being in constant and excruciating back and hip pain
6. Being taken in the middle of the night to Hoag hospital and placed in the CICU
7. Having a tube put down your throat and your arms tied down to the bed so you can

My Father has certainly had WAY MORE than his fair share of crap this year, and through it all he never complains...he is patient and positive.

I however do not feel patient and positive. I feel angry, and helpless and very, very sad.

Enough is enough already. He needs a break.

Hang in there Dad. We love you so very much!

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