Thursday, August 28, 2008

Returning Emails

Just wanted to send a quick note to all of you who have sent me emails in the past week...I am so sorry I have not responded yet. With working, getting the kids ready for "back to school", soccer practice, driving to the hospital and everything going on with Dad, driving to Canyon Lake and everything going on with Henny, and taking my own little monkey to the ER, I have been totally and completely OVERLOADED.

I'm a little tired, worn out, exhausted, and did I mention brain dead??

Ugh...waa waa waa...okay, enough whining. But really what I want to say is I cannot express how much all of your kind words and emails mean to me, and how much strength your reminders of leaning on faith, etc. are helping hold me up right now. I do read every email, and will hopefully have a little time over the upcoming 3-day weekend to respond.

In the meantime, as the old guys from Bartels and James would say..."Thank You for your support!"

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