In preparation for Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary party (which was held on June 24, 2006), I went through boxes of old (classic) family photos to prepare a digital "slideshow" of their lives. Came across some GREAT pictures, some I had seen many times before, and some I had never seen. The picture above is of Mom and Dad around the time they got engaged...see, no ring yet.

Obviously their wedding picture, taken June 24, 1956. Love the hair and dress!

A very young family (again love that hair and dress Mom) proudly displaying their sign with everyone's names on it. I wonder what ever happened to that sign? Funny thing is, today nobody would hang a sign with their names on it out in front of the house.
Such a different time.

I'm sure Dad's behind the camera on this one...Easter Sunday 1969. David looks well on his way with his "Used Car Salesman" career! :-)
Well, I have about 50 other pictures that I would love to share, but the way blogger works it only lets you post 4 pictures at a time. Just wanted to share what a great experience it was to walk down "memory lane" while doing this project, and how it illustrates to me the importance of documenting your families life as you live it, because some day your children will want to know what life was like as they were growing up.

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