Well, I am incredibly behind in putting this all down. Actually I wrote this blog about 6 weeks ago, and when I posted it it ended up in "cyberspace". Then I reposted it about 3 weeks ago and it posted without the pictures. Ugh...well, the third time's the charm!
So I don't remember exactly what I said then.
But what I want to record now is this.
These two men are two of the most incredible and influential men in my life, and the life of my family. Thse men have done what it takes, WHATEVER it takes to take care of their families. They have worked multiple jobs, eaten day old bread, "done without" on so many levels, and prayed for the well-being of their families. Had faith. Expressed that faith. Dished out disipline, even when it hurt them more (and of course that was every time) when they needed to teach. Raised their children with love, and a firm hand, but most of all teaching them to love the Lord and respect their place in the family.
These men are FATHERS. And the best example of Fathers you could ever wish for.
I can't begin to put into words everything these men have done to raise their children to be men and women of faith, people that will make a positive difference in their world. What an impossible task, but a task that both of these men are so well suited for. And have done so well.
I love both of these men more than words can say. And to MY Daddy...thank you for what you have taught me about being a parent, and just living the life Christ would want me to. Thank you for showing me the importance of documenting family moments on film...even when the rest of the family is complaining! Your lessons will never be forgotten, and I will pass them on to my children.

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