We spent today, Father's Day 2006 with Rob's folks out in Canyon Lake. It was hard for me today, just feeling like I should be with my Dad as well. Well, impossible to be two places at the same time. The only consolation is that we will be celebrating Father's Day with my Dad next Sunday when Cheri is here...and all of his children will be together.

But what is in the forefront of my mind today is this. What an incredible Father my husband is. I feel so lucky to have him be the Father of my children. He is honest, hardworking, and most of all loves the girls with his whole heart. And they love him completely.

We had such a great time today. Just being together, as a family. The girls worked on some art work (they must have Daddy's artistic genes) and we just hung out, great food, great wine, great music, and of course great company.

This is what Father's Day is all about.

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