Monday, July 31, 2006

It's Soccer Time Again!

It's that time of the year again, time for soccer! This is Zoey's third year of playing soccer. Her first year she was a "Green Grasshopper" (green jersey of course) and last year she was a "Boppin Bunny" with a bright pink and black jersey. This year her jersey will be blue, and a name for the team is yet to be determined.

We had a great night with a picnic at the park and then a little soccer practice. Getting back into the groove.

Avery can't wait until she is old enough to be on a team as well. Probably will be a few more years, though. But until then she can sharpen up her skills practicing with Zoey and Daddy.

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Visit with V

After literally months of playing phone and email tag I finally got a chance to go and visit my friend Veronika and meet her new son David for the first time. I was so glad to see her, and meet this beautiful baby. As you can see she never feeds the poor child :-)

The girls swam in Veronika's pool and David splashed in this little pool...having a great time. We got a good chance to catch with just what is going on in our lives and in the lives of friends and old co-workers we have in common. I miss you guys...John and Laurie!

Next time we won't go so long between visits!

David is not quite crawling yet, but on the verge. Just wait V...once he becomes mobile your life will really change! Remember to take lots of pictures!
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Summertime, Summertime...sum sum summertime!

I have to admit, I love summer. I think it's my favorite time of the year. The long days, the tank tops and shorts, having the girls home with me more. It's all good. And of course the pool. We have such a great pool here in our complex, and just steps from our front door. We use it a lot in the summer, and have had so many great days just hanging out there.

Avery was having fun playing with this little was whispering in her ear! Amazing how much fun there is to be had with just a simple plastic toy!

These pictures are just totally Avery. Being silly and having fun.
And I was having fun just snapping these shots.

She was practicing winking at Mommy.
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Best Buds and Littermates-July 31, 2006

Well, I'm going a little out of order here, but just trying to get "caught up" to today with my pictures and blog. I actually took these pictures yesterday, as the girls were waiting for Rob and I to finish packing up the car to go to the beach. I came downstairs and found Zoey, Avery and Cisco in a pile on the floor, just hanging out.

This is not unusual for them. As a matter of fact Avery has been laying on Cisco since we first brought him home as a very small puppy. And nothing seems to make him happier. He lays there with his tail gently wagging. It's so cool.

Cisco and his "girls"...a perfect match. He is the most awesome dog with kids.

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Monson Family Photos--Into the Archives!

In preparation for Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary party (which was held on June 24, 2006), I went through boxes of old (classic) family photos to prepare a digital "slideshow" of their lives. Came across some GREAT pictures, some I had seen many times before, and some I had never seen. The picture above is of Mom and Dad around the time they got engaged...see, no ring yet.

Obviously their wedding picture, taken June 24, 1956. Love the hair and dress!

A very young family (again love that hair and dress Mom) proudly displaying their sign with everyone's names on it. I wonder what ever happened to that sign? Funny thing is, today nobody would hang a sign with their names on it out in front of the house.
Such a different time.

I'm sure Dad's behind the camera on this one...Easter Sunday 1969. David looks well on his way with his "Used Car Salesman" career! :-)

Well, I have about 50 other pictures that I would love to share, but the way blogger works it only lets you post 4 pictures at a time. Just wanted to share what a great experience it was to walk down "memory lane" while doing this project, and how it illustrates to me the importance of documenting your families life as you live it, because some day your children will want to know what life was like as they were growing up.
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Well, I am incredibly behind in putting this all down. Actually I wrote this blog about 6 weeks ago, and when I posted it it ended up in "cyberspace". Then I reposted it about 3 weeks ago and it posted without the pictures. Ugh...well, the third time's the charm!

So I don't remember exactly what I said then.

But what I want to record now is this.

These two men are two of the most incredible and influential men in my life, and the life of my family. Thse men have done what it takes, WHATEVER it takes to take care of their families. They have worked multiple jobs, eaten day old bread, "done without" on so many levels, and prayed for the well-being of their families. Had faith. Expressed that faith. Dished out disipline, even when it hurt them more (and of course that was every time) when they needed to teach. Raised their children with love, and a firm hand, but most of all teaching them to love the Lord and respect their place in the family.

These men are FATHERS. And the best example of Fathers you could ever wish for.

I can't begin to put into words everything these men have done to raise their children to be men and women of faith, people that will make a positive difference in their world. What an impossible task, but a task that both of these men are so well suited for. And have done so well.

I love both of these men more than words can say. And to MY Daddy...thank you for what you have taught me about being a parent, and just living the life Christ would want me to. Thank you for showing me the importance of documenting family moments on film...even when the rest of the family is complaining! Your lessons will never be forgotten, and I will pass them on to my children.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just more pics I love...

See...this is why I love summer. Can you say relaxation? It was so awesome today to spend the day with my niece, Kirsten. She came over to help me with the girls so I could get some work done for Mom and Dad's party.

Hey, I needed one more current picture of the "granddaughters" for the 50th anniversary slideshow. This was it.
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June 18, 2006-Father's Day

We spent today, Father's Day 2006 with Rob's folks out in Canyon Lake. It was hard for me today, just feeling like I should be with my Dad as well. Well, impossible to be two places at the same time. The only consolation is that we will be celebrating Father's Day with my Dad next Sunday when Cheri is here...and all of his children will be together.

But what is in the forefront of my mind today is this. What an incredible Father my husband is. I feel so lucky to have him be the Father of my children. He is honest, hardworking, and most of all loves the girls with his whole heart. And they love him completely.

We had such a great time today. Just being together, as a family. The girls worked on some art work (they must have Daddy's artistic genes) and we just hung out, great food, great wine, great music, and of course great company.

This is what Father's Day is all about.
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June 17, 2006

To me this is a picture of relaxation. A rare moment for us with our crazy lives.

Nothing makes the girls happier than to play with Daddy in the pool.

A perfect day at home. We are blessed. This next two weeks are going to be beyond hectic. Hang in there...
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Dog Days of Summer-June 11, 2006

Just check this picture out.
When you realize that this beautiful dog is sitting on a boat with a life jacket...out in the ocean getting tossed around, you will understand what an awesome dog Ava is.
(By the way, check out the way her paws are crossed...)

Tanya and Pete (and Brandon of course) were nice enough to take us out on their boat. Here are the kids "down below" just hanging out and having fun. gets pretty bouncy down here!

Okay...more shots of two of my favorite girls...

And boys...

Rob took this picture of me, and as is usual I hate most pictures of myself...but I am determined to stick with my belief of "your life is unique...document it" even if it means pictures of myself.

And Tanya is just as bad as I am about pictures...but I love this pic of her with the monkeys...

And more pics of my favorite girls...

And two of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen, bar none. Wow...I'm a lucky girl! We all had such a great time this day. I'm sure when my life is "flashing before my eyes" (don't they say that happens??) some of the images from this day will pop up. A truly happy day spent with the best of friends.