We had a very quiet Mother's Day. Rob and the girls gave me some awesome cards, a "Mom" scrapbook and a gift certificate to the local nail and spa place. THANK YOU FAMILY!

We just enjoyed some family time with Rob's folks, their home is always SO relaxing. I actually got the girls to sit for me for about 2 minutes so I could take some pictures.

Unfortunately, I have about 10 of Avery with this kind of face...actually I think I should make a post dedicated to just that! I have probably over 50 with this kind of a face over the years.

Here is Grandma Henny enjoying her Mother's Day. What Grandma doesn't love some TLC from a grandchild. Zoey loves to give Grandma lots of snuggles.
We will spend next Sunday, May 21, 2006 with MY Mom and Dad at their home in Newport Beach. If only we could be two places at once!

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