Friday, May 05, 2006

Another Warren Family Milestone!

So we have reached another family more diapers for the Warren family. And after almost 7 straight years (well I did have a few month break before Avery was born) of changing diapers I am kind of surprised to find a mix of emotions. I thought I would just be thrilled to be done with it, but it's funny that a big part of me actually feels a little sad. I guess it's just coming to grips with the fact that there aren't any "babies" in our house any more.

Cisco is very interested in what is going on here...and wondering if he is next to learn how to "go on the big potty..." sorry Cisco!

Okay, I know it might seem a little strange to post about this, but it's "what's happening" around our house right now, and I have been interested in documenting our everyday lives right now. I hope in 20 years from now the girls (and myself) can look back on this and enjoy seeing what our lives were like...way back in 2006.

We are very proud of you Avery Rose! You are becoming such a big girl! (You'll always be MY baby though, no matter what!) Posted by Picasa

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