Tomorrow is Mother's Day. And even though this will be my 7th Mother's day as a mother, I still feel like it's all about my Mom and Henny...I haven't been a Mom long enough to deserve too many accolades yet.

My Mom and Henny know what it's all about to be a Mother, and even thought neither one of them still has little ones home in the nest, that "motherhood" gene still seems to be such a very basic part of both of their personalities...just WHO they are. Both of them are in tune with exactly where the little ones are when they are in the house, and rush to worry if they are going up the stairs alone, or doing anything that might be "dangerous". They both always say yes when asked to have "one more cookie" and laugh when I am exasperated and tell them a story of something the girls did that was "naughty".
Between the two of them they have raised 8 healthy children, and have 11 grandchildren. Between the two of them they have lived through over 107 years of marriage. They have both faced severe financial struggles, lived in foreign countries where they did not speak the language, and did all of this while raising human beings to know about the Lord, get good educations, and be ethically and morally sound. They provided food for these children EVERY day, and warm clean clothes and a safe place to rest at night. But more than anything else, they taught these children how to love themselves and others.
I just want to thank these two Mothers on Mother's Day, and let them both know how VERY much I appreciate all of the hard work and sacrafice they have done to raise these children. As a mother myself, I try to model my parenting from what I have learned from my Mother, and I know Rob does the same. How very blessed we are to have been raised by two such awesome women!
I Love You Mom!

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