Tuesday, February 23, 2010

And the Butt's have it!

Our friend Dave Hoover hosted a surprise 50th birthday party for a lifetime friend of his this last Saturday, much as he did for Rob back in October. His friend Roland was turning 50...was here from out of town, and was ripe for a perfect birthday set-up. Of course something like this takes a ton of behind the scenes planning, and as Dave had invited many high school friends that Roland had not seen in 20+ years, he wanted the evening documented on film.

Wisely, he asked his beautiful and talented nieces to take loads of pics, but he also asked my Photoshop skilled daughter Zoey to bring her awesome picture taking skills, (and Mommy's awesome camera) to round out the photography taking crew. Awesome Uncle Hoover even offered her $20 to take on the task. Of course she was all over it.

When the evening came, we took off from the house and were half-way there when Avery realized she had left her camera at home, and she REALLY wanted to be a part of the picture taking crew. NO WAY was Zoey going to have the only official job at the party, without her being included! As we were already running late for a surprise party, I offered her my "little" camera...my point-and-shoot Canon (which is still an awesome camera, by the way). She reluctantly agreed, and as we arrived she set herself upon the task of taking pictures of the crowd. "Take candid shots", I told her..".pictures of people just doing their thing...not necessarily looking at the camera."

After the weekend was over, I downloaded the shots from both cameras, the one Zoey shot and the one Avery used. On Avery's camera I kept seeing shots like these. Not one, not two...but MANY. Shots of Hoover's nephew, Travis. But not shots of his face. No. Shots of his butt. I had heard her laughing with him that night, and reports of pictures of his butt, however I had no idea.

She was serious.

She thought it was funny to take these pictures of his butt. So (poor guy) she was following him around all evening taking butt pictures. Multiple butt pictures.

And to her 7 year-old sense of humor, this was hysterical.

Should I be worried? Knowing her as well as I do I know it was her way of "teasing" him (okay, pestering him). Thankfully he is one of the most amazing young men I have ever met. His family, including his incredible parents, and his 7 siblings, are some of the nicest, most joy filled people I have ever met. Sounds sappy, but you would just have to meet this wonderful family to understand. He (as well as the rest of his siblings) are so very patient, so very kind to the younger ones.

However...we all have our limits! This picture cracked me up the most! Thank you Travis for being so very patient with an earnest 7 year old. I cannot wait to see what her strong spirit has in store for her life. I know it will be incredible!

No butts about it!

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