Friday, January 04, 2008

365-January 4, 2008


Wow...I got caught up...I'm actually blogging about the day it is on the day it is (you know what I mean).'s Friday (seems like a really long week this week, just getting back into the routine). Zoey took these pictures today of Sammy at my office. The girls are madly in love with her, and so Zoey took several portraits today.

Very regal looking lady, don't you think?

Ah, Maria was here today and I came home to a wonderfully clean house (bless you Maria!). Rob went out with the boys around 2PM (it's Dan's birthday) and he's not home I'm not sure when we'll see him.


Ross had his surgery today and we don't know much yet. Hopefully the worst part of the hurdle is over (the surgery itself) and he can start his recovery and move on. fun at all for him, but we know he will pull through it okay. You're in our prayers, Ross.
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