Thursday, November 06, 2008

4th grade ROCKS!

Last Friday (Halloween) the girls both had parties in their classrooms, and 1/2 day of school. In Zoey's class they had a "Harvest" party as they really don't celebrate Halloween. The party was awesome, and I loved spending some time with some 4th graders. Especially this one...


The whole school was asked to dress in something green, as part of their "Red Ribbon Week" which is focused on the fight against drug use. This year's theme had something to do with frogs and "Leaping away from drugs", therefore the green outfits. The classroom actually looked like it was St. Patrick's day.


There were games and crafts, and a celebration of Mrs. Klitzing's baptism birthday as her actual birthday falls in the summer and would not be celebrated during the school year. I continue to be impressed with the way she, a first year teacher, is handling the classroom. The kids love her, but have a great deal of respect for her, and work hard to please her. She is young, pretty, and fun...but also expects hard work and keeps the class in check, not an easy task with a room full of 9 and 10 year olds.




How blessed we are to have our girls in this environment. So much goodness and genuine caring.

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Heavenly Host

Have I mentioned how much I like spending time in Avery's Kindergarten class...and just soaking up all of the cool things they do there? I have?? Okay, let me just say it one more time...I dig it! Must be the Kindergarten teacher gene I got from my Mom, but there are few things that bring me as much enjoyment. And a perfect example of that was last Friday (okay, okay...I know I'm behind) when the 3 Kindergarten classes had a Reformation Day parade (you Lutherans know what I am talking about). No scary Halloween costumes, but instead the children were asked to dress as Bible characters.


There were SEVERAL angels (and if Blogger would let me post more than 4 pics at a time I would have them all) and they were all just beautiful (especially my Avery Rose). Lots of short little "men" with fake beards and staffs, or multi-colored coats.


There were lots of animals from the arc, and one particularly clever costume WAS the arc! There were Roman soldiers, and beautifully dressed "Queens". I hear one year there was even a burning bush...but we did not see that one this year.


The children paraded through every class at St. Paul's, and even went down to the preschool. I can tell you from our household that the whole idea of coming to school dressed as a Bible character was a BIG hit...and highly anticipated for literally weeks (oh yeah, and Avery was excited about it too...).


How very blessed I am as a Mama, to have such a wonderful school for my girls, and incredible teachers that enrich their lives daily with activities like this. As always, I thought about how very much Mom would have LOVED to witness this, and I guess I honestly believe that somehow, she did.
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Zoey E. Warren, Attorney at Law

Anyone need an attorney? Now that is scary! She tells me she wants to be an attorney first, then the Governor, then the President. At least she's aiming high...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Update on Dad-November 5, 2008

I last saw Dad at Victoria on Sunday, November 2nd. He was actually doing quite well, and while his speech was very difficult to understand, he seemed pretty clear minded and there was no discussion of anything that was not "reality". He was interested in looking at the latest pictures I had brought, and the slide show from Rob's birthday party. He even asked me how much my computer costs, as he would like to have one...Yiiikes!

Physically he looked pretty good, I would say pretty much the way he was before he went into the hospital, except with less strength and stamina. He does seem quite weak, and even has trouble picking up the remote for the TV, etc. After I was there for about 1/2 hour he seemed to be getting tired and had trouble keeping his eyes open.

All in all a good visit. I am hoping that as he gets more healthy his mental state will continue to improve.

Thank you for your continued prayers for Dad.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Let me just start by saying it's definitely not easy to pull one over on my Husband, especially when there are so many people involved (some of them being 5 years old and not very good with keeping surprises). But we did it!


Dave Hoover decided to throw a surprise party for Rob for his 50th birthday about 2 weeks before the actual party. So we didn't have much time to throw everything together (invitations, cake, decorations, slideshow, party details...) and we had to do all of this without Rob catching on. Even people at Rob's work were in on it, especially Tamame, who was able to procure the rare "Miss Babcock" photo for my slideshow (Thanks, Tamame!)


All of Rob's family was there except his Mom, and she was surely missed. His Dad was able to make it, thanks to Martha staying late to watch Henny in Canyon Lake. All of his siblings, his neices and nephew, and a roomful of friends all had a wonderful time helping him to celebrate.


So Happy 50th Birthday to my handsome husband, who I think does not look a day over 40! We love you very much honey, and look forward to celebrating many, many more!

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Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary!

Well, again I have fallen behind and have LOTS to blog about. Starting with a wonderful evening that took place last Friday, October 24th at my in law's home in Canyon Lake. Bea organized a wonderful dinner for 18 people in celebration of Joe and Henny's 60th wedding anniversary. The best part was the surprise that Johanna had flown in from Australia the day before on a VERY last minute trip (thank you Clive!).


Joe and Henny spent the evening with all 5 of their children and all 7 of their grandchildren. The only thing missing was their 3 beautiful great-grandchildren, who had not made the long journey from Australia with their Mom.


It was a beautiful evening, with lots of stories and laughter, awesome food (thank you Johanna) and incredible wine. The Warren's love to be together as a family, and Henny seemed to be feeling the love around her as she was in great spirits and even sang when the family was singing a Dutch "Happy Birthday" song to Pete and Rob. She sang every word!


We feel so blessed to celebrate this day together, and for myself it is in the forefront of my mind wondering how many more special days we will get to celebrate all together. Just makes each one that much more of a treasure.


Happy 60th Anniversary, Joe and Henny. You show us what an amazing marriage should look like, and you inspire us all. I love you!
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