Friday, June 30, 2006

Now it's my turn

So this is the same morning I let Avery have the camera. Then it was my turn, and I wanted to take some pictures of her with "natural light" from a window. Here she is in her PJ's, hair not brushed, but I couldn't help just snapping away. I know I'm a little prejudiced, but to me there is something very captivating about her. Love these pics.

Of course any "photo shoot" of Avery is not complete without some of these faces and looks!

I see my "baby" turning into a little girl. Ouch.

She and Zoey have the same eyes...they are so dark brown they are almost black. Love you very much.
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See the world through somebody else's eyes

Well I read somewhere you can see the world through your child's eyes if you give them a camera and see what choices they make when they take pictures. These pictures were taken by Avery on 6/1/06 when I let her use Mommy's camera.

Her favorite "pig" stuffed animal...she thought it was funny upside down.

Of course her best bud...Cisco.

She wanted to get a picture of pig the right way as well.

And me...looking a little scary from this vantage...I hate having my picture taken, even if it's by my three-year-old. Hmmm...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Daddy's on a fishing trip

I took these pictures of the girls yesterday, because I wanted to use them to make a little paperbag album for Rob for his trip. Rob has gone on a company sponsered, "all-expenses-paid" trip to Cabo San Lucas to go fishing for 5 days.

It has kind of been our tradition...since we've been together, that when he leaves on a trip, be it business or pleasure, that I hide some pictures or a card in his bag for him to find during his trip.

Poor Cisco, even he had to play along. Maybe I should say poor Nemo? So I got my little mini album together, finishing it up late last night, while Rob was packing. There were original drawings from both girls about fishing in the album. I hope he enjoys it on his trip.

But ugh, I can't sleep when he's not home. Right now it's 12:30, and I should be in bed instead of doing this. You know, I actually think I am SO lucky to have a husband that I miss 5 minutes after he walks out the door. What a bummer it would be if I didn't miss him...

Love you honey, hope you catch the "big one"!
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Memorial Day--May 29th, 2006

Well, we were lucky enough this year to make it an official tradition. We went to Dave and Jamie (and Hannah) Contois's beautiful home in Bakersfield for Memorial Day. We went last year and had such a great time...we couldn't wait to go back this year. Bakersfield is a little drive, but who cares. Pop in some tunes (iloTunes if you are lucky) and make it a roadtrip. Hey, Rob and I have driven back from Eugene Oregon in one day...what's Bakersfield compared to that? A walk in the park!

Dave and Jaime have the most incredible backyard for kids, or anyone for that matter. An awesome climber with swingset and slide, a beautiful pool, a vegetable garden, a boce ball court, and this year an inflatible "bouncer". Needless to say the girls were in HEAVEN. Of course the main attraction there is Hannah, and poor thing they were her shadows the entire time. Well...she's the BIG girl, at 9 years old.

The boys had fun with several boce ball games. Rob and I played Dan and was my first time (and Deb's as well). Yiikes...we lost BADLY, I think it was something like 15-7 final count. Check out the vineyards over the fence. Absolutely beautiful.

Avery just COULD NOT keep her clothes on this weekend. I bet she stripped down at least 15 times. The beauty of modisty. Check out one of Hannah's friends in this picture. She thought it was a riot every time Avery stripped down. Let's just hope this doesn't foreshadow her teenage years...

Gotta say I love those buns. And I love my husband, who is SUCH a good Daddy. Here he is probably rushing her to the pottie. Hey honey, looking pretty studly in those sleeveless tees. There is nothing more attractive than a good Father!

Bummer thing is about this weekend...I didn't get ANY pictures of Zoey. She was so involved with Hannah, I felt like I hardly saw her all weekend! Sorry honey.

Also, I would like to mention that Mike and Dave's Dad passed away Friday evening/Saturday morning, the day before the party. We were all ready to cancel, but Dave really wanted to have everyone get together. Mike and Annette were not here, as they had flown back East on Saturday. Mr. Contois had suffered in great pain for 20 years with horrible rhumatoid arthritis, so in many ways his passing was a blessing.

Rest in Peace Mr. Contois.
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