Monday, April 24, 2006

Bea's Beautiful Home--Rogers, AR

This is a picture of Bea's beautiful home, looking at it from the street. She has recently added a "wrap-around" deck that is absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for the frequent entertaining she does and is so good at. Sitting on her porch, glass of cold chardonney in you hand your view looks like this...
A beautiful view of Beaver Lake. This view was just mesmorizing to me, and it was a very special treat to sit out on the patio in the morning before the girls woke up and have a little "me" time, listening to the view, enjoying the sounds and sights of the many birds in the trees, and reading.
Even Zebra loved the lake, and the girls were hoping to go fishing but we ran out of time. Rob was showing the girls how to "skip" stones in this picture.
Bea's kitchen, a great place to congregate and enjoy some of Bea's fabulous cooking. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Easter at Aunt Bea's...We're on our Way!

This Easter we went to visit Rob's sister Bea at her beautiful home in Roger's Arkansas. The girls were SO excited about the plane trip, and were thrilled to get on board. Of course once we took off and they got used to the idea we were up in the air it got "boring". Our trip was very uneventful, and a safe one. Now that we see how easy it is, we'll have to go back next year!

 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Avery Rose

Well, this picture kind of sums up our Avery Rose right now...a grumpy princess. Even though she is past the terrible 2's, she still seems to find herself in a "mood" more often than not. This picture was taken on Zoey's 7th birthday, at a party at "Club Libby Lu's" where we took Zoey and 6 of her school friends. We wanted Avery to feel included, and thought she would enjoy doing something fun with the "big girls" but she was in a bad mood all day. Argh...cheer up Avery! I'll post more on her later, and give all of the good details as well...fortunately there are a lot of them!
I love you Avery Rose! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Zoey is our 1st grader, and she's awesome! She is learning and growing SO fast right now it's scary...I try and treasure every moment. Right now she is very into reading, and is reading things all over the place. She loves the freedom and just basic expansion of knowledge this gives her, like when Mommy and Daddy are trying to spell a word and she can recognize it (like the other day she recognized n-a-k-e-d...don't ask me what context it was in :-).

Her favorite things are ZEBRAS, GameBoy, soccer and Brownies. She is also totally in love with any show on Nickelodian, especially SpongeBob or Danny Phantom. Her best friends are Ally, Sara, Charlotte, Paige and Jordan. She attends St. Paul's Lutheran School, which is a K-8 school. Her teacher at the beginning of the year was Mrs. Manthe, but she left last week to go on maternity leave as she is pregnant with twins and her Dr. ordered her to go on bedrest. Her new teacher for the rest of the year is Mrs. Maxwell, and she seems very nice! Zoey's favorite foods right now are basically JUNK food...macaroni and cheese, cheeseburgers, noodles, and anything sweet. She has a strong dislike for anything green. She does seem to love sushi, and most seafood, even raw oysters, clams, mussels, etc.

In the summer she turns into a mermaid, and I can't keep her out of the pool! This summer she will learn how to ride her bike without training wheels, and we may even venture into rollerblading.

She loves her dog Cisco, and they are best friends. She is a great big sister to Avery, even though that job can be a very tough one at times. She is our pride and joy, and seems to have wisdom beyond her years. Even with the illnesses her grandparents face, she is very empathetic and loving about it, very understanding of things beyond her years. She loves to go to church at St. Paul's and tells me often what she learned "at Jesus time" in class. I predict she will always be a kind and loving person, as well as a patient person. She loves music and art (her favorite music right now is anything by Pink or Cheetah Girls). She hates homework!

I love you Zoey Elizabeth!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Launch of Warren Enterprises

Welcome to Warren Enterprises, the blog about the Warren Family. This is really a "practice" blog for me, and something I am doing to learn a little more about the whole process, but also a good way to keep in touch with family and friends.

So to start, I will give a little bit of background as to what we are all up to now. Rob is working hard at Babcock, where he has been working for 18? years. Actually, today is Saturday and he is there right now and has been for several hours. He works long hours at a frustrating job, but is really good at what he does. I think he would rather be running a sandwich and soup shop somewhere, but maybe that is an unrealized dream that is yet to come. More on that later...

His other passion (other than cooking) has been working out. He works out regularly at his friend Dave Hoover's house, and they have been doing so for a few years now. They keep each other motivated, and Rob feels he is in the best shape of his life (and I couldn't agree more...I'm a lucky girl ;-o) He struggles daily with chronic back pain, and so he is very careful with his diet and exercise routine to try and keep his back as healthy as possible. I'm so proud of him for his perserverance.

Stef has been busy being a Mom, a Brownie Troop leader, and a new business owner. I have been working on getting my business going, and have felt good that I am about 60% booked right now, but hoping to be 100% in the next few months. I am doing executive administrative services for people with small businesses, and so far I love it. I am doing different things at different locations almost every day, and so the variety is great. I am struggling a little bit with daycare limitations, but I am sure it will work out. Another major time occupier for me lately has been the formation of a new Brownie Girl Scout Troop...Troop 1861. My friend Andrea Conley and I are the leaders of this new troop, and have had to go through unbelievable amounts of paperwork and training to get it up and running. I feel it's a great program for the girls though, and do enjoy my time doing it. My other loves, photography and scrapbooking have kind of taken a back seat for the time being, as I have so little time to do them. But when I find myself with a few minutes, I am usually doing one of those. I am also trying to teach myself website creation using Frontpage, and also self-teaching myself Adobe Elements. I would love to be able to incorporate my love for scrapbooking into part of the business services I provide, creating custom scrapbook pages for others. But for right now I am struggling to keep up with just my administrative business.

Zoey is a very busy 1st grader. She is amazing us daily with her skills at reading, memory, writing, and math. She finished her soccer season in November, and is looking forward to going back to that in the fall. She is also a new Brownie Girl Scout, and has been enjoying that a lot. She is a great big sister to Avery, and is SO patient with her...most of the time. I am loving just watching her turn into a beautiful young lady, both inside and out.

Avery is a very active 3 year old, and keeps us on our toes! She has been going through a very trying stage lately, where fussing seems to be her main occupation. She goes to Colleen Clark's home three days a week for daycare, and has met some new friends her age there that she loves to play with. She is also growing like a weed, and while she is "challenging" right now, she is an amazing little girl that seems to draw people to her. It must be her "elfin" magic...just look at her ears!

Cisco is last but not least on my list. He has become such a beloved family member, and all of us, including Rob cannot imagine what life would be like without him in our family. He is such a good dog, and is GREAT with the girls. He is still crazy when visitors come over to the house, but he calms a little bit more with each passing week. We love him like crazy.

Well that is all for my first post. I've run out of time and have a house to clean and about 10 loads of laundry to do. I'll try to post again soon, and give more family updates. Until then...remember...LIFE is WONDERFUL (if you make it wonderful).